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The Legend of Thunder
« Greek »
Ο μύθος της βροντής
The fable of thunder
by Nectaria
something stinks
« Japanese »
Something shoots stench
I want you to put it inside me.
« Slovenian »
jaz biti brez vi položiti to notri mi.
yours truly to want for you to put this withindoors we.
How are you able to perform such amazing feats?
« Japanese »
That kind of splendid achievement can be done?
Phelps suspended, dropped by Kellogg
« Korean »
Phelps는, Kellogg에 의해 떨어져 중단했다
Phelps fell and in compliance with Kellogg discontinued
Kirby is a flaming homosexual
« Slovenian »
Kirby je a živobarven homoseksualen
Kirby there is however flaringly queer
by Wilton
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
« Japanese »
To the thing which you use although the way we would like to do glance where anyone is distant really and goes the directly more in.
A evil monkey devoured my brain.
« Italian »
Una scimmia diabolica ha divorato il mio cervello.
A diabolic monkey has divorato my brain.
Here you go folks, the president of the United States.
« Chinese (simplified) »
You go to the waiter, American president.
by Bobby Joel
Everybody loves lemons. Eat your lemons, good sir.
« Japanese »
皆はレモンを愛する。 あなたのレモン、よい食べなさい。
Everyone loves the lemon. Your lemon, it is good, eat.
Nice shirts like you!