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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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I can't speak English
« Japanese »
I can' tは英語を話す
I can' t speaks English
may i insert my enormous penis into your tiny vagina?
« Czech »
moci já dodat má ohavný pyj do tvůj drobounký pochva?
may self supply has hideous phallus up yours tiny stall?
I will not buy this record, it is scratched.
« Japanese »
I am hurt this record, you do not buy that.
by vigilante
i could NEVER EVER run vista my comp would divide by zero and create a wormhole of lameness that i'd never escape
« Czech »
já could NIKDY JAKKOLI běh průhled má comp chtěl bych dělit do bod mrazu a jmenovat jeden červotočina of bědování aby i'd nikdy divoce rostoucí rostlina
self inch NEVER SOMEHOW swift vista has comp would portion up zero plus nominate a wormhole of wail that i'd never escape
life is hard
« Croatian »
život je tvrdo
curriculum vitae had niggardly
by katy
I'll be back
« Portuguese »
I' o ll esteja para trás
I' ll is stops backwards
The game
« Swedish »
game, games, the game, the games
by lolol
A person to whom, under dire injunctions of silence, you tell a secret which you wish to be far more widely known.
« Japanese »
Which, in secret and under the order whose silence is tremendous, the person where you know say whether we would like to be wide much.
I am a chunky monkey from funky town.
« Icelandic »
ÉG er a kubbslegur api frá angurvær bær.
I is a tubby monkey of melancholy farm.
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Classified superior
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