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Fold the eggs into the cake batter one at a time.
« Czech »
Církev člen určitý vejce do člen určitý dort bít jeden najednou.
Kirk the eggs up the pastry swish a at a time.
by Rachel Benn
Fold the eggs into the cake batter one at a time.
« Finnish »
Kerätä tarhaan eggs ardor kakku lyöjä ainoa aikaa aika.
Fold eggs into cake batter only at period.
by Rachel Benn
Fold the eggs into the cake batter one at a time.
« Hungarian »
Karám a ikra levegőbe süti dönget egy egyszerre.
Lair the spawn into the air cookie batter one at a time.
by Rachel Benn
Fold the eggs into the cake batter one at a time.
« Welsh »
Blethu 'r wyau i mewn i 'r cacen bwyo hun am adeg.
Plait ' group eggs into ' group cake beat self about time.
by Rachel Benn
Fold the eggs into the cake batter one at a time.
« Turkish »
ağıl belgili tanımlık eggs içine belgili tanımlık pasta süt bir vasıl a zaman.
sheep fold the eggs into the cake milk one each arrive a time.
by Rachel Benn
Are your parents rich?
« Welsh »
Ydy 'ch rhieni 'n abl?
He is being ' dogs parents ' heartburn able?
by Rachel Benn
Dear Santa, Please send me: A Winnie-the-Pooh toy A real goldfish A pony Make-up Some DVDs Some books A bike with 12 gears A skateboard An ice-cream maker Lots of very expensive dolls My own petting zoo Richer parents
« Serbian »
Drag Djed Mraz , Ugoditi poslati mene : JEDAN Ljubazan - određeni član - Pi igračka JEDAN stvarnost češljugar JEDAN poni Sastav Nekakav DVDs Nekakav knjiga JEDAN bicikl s 12 poluga mjenjača brzine JEDAN skateboard Dobro led - pavlaka izrađivač Mnogo preskup lijep djeca Moj vlastiti ljubakanje zoološki vrt Bogatiti roditelji
Of priceless value Grandpapa Bleakness , Please pack me : A Affable the Pi toy A actuality goldfinch A pony Compound Some DVDs Some book A bicycle with 12 gearshift celerity A daska za koturanje All right ice cream maker Far too expensive trig little ones My own love-making Zoo Affluent parents
by Rachel Benn
Dear Santa, Please send me: A Winnie-the-Pooh toy A real goldfish A pony Make-up Some DVDs Some books A bike with 12 gears Richer parents
« Welsh »
Anwylyd Santa , Blesio anfon 'm : A Winnie - 'r - Pw chorodyn A 'n sylweddol goldfish Ferlen Gwna - i fyny Rhyw DVDs Rhyw llyfrau Beic ag gears 'n ablach rhieni
Beloved d , Please send ' ores : I go Winnie ' group Pooh trifle I Go ' heartburn substantial goldfish Pony Do up Sex DVDs Sex books Bicycle with gears ' heartburn abler parents
by Rachel Benn
Dear Santa, Please send me: A Winnie-the-Pooh toy A real goldfish A pony Make-up Some DVDs Some books A bike with 12 gears Richer parents
« Slovenian »
srčkan Santa , prosim spodbuda mi : a ki dobiva - - uh! igrača a realen zlata ribica a konjiček popravni izpit neki DVDs neki knjiga a kolo s 12 prestava obogateti starši
dear Santa , you're welcome whetstone we : however winnily uh! toy however rough and ready goldfish however tit trial un DVDs un tome however wheel with shewbread speed to strike oil parents
by Rachel Benn
Dear Santa, Please send me a Barbie doll, a Barbie house, my little ponies and lots and lots of yummy scrummy chocolate.
« Finnish »
Armas Gravel , Haluta lennättää we Barbie hempukka , Barbie hankkia asunto , minun vähäinen määrä tikari ja roppakaupalla ja roppakaupalla -lta yummy hangata kaakao.
Sweet Santa , Care sent me Barbarian broad , Barbarian house , mine little dirk and lots and lots from yummy grate chocolate.
by Rachel Benn
Nice shirts like you!