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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
I raped your family and burnt your house down.
« Slovenian »
yours truly seizing yours family and burnt yours parliament web.
Take me out to the ball game
« Czech »
Brát mne mimo až k èlen urèitý genitálie honba
Nibble me without to the testicle huntering
Would you like a beer?
« Japanese »
The beer which you like?
Always take the turkey out of the plastic before cooking.
« Slovenian »
zmeraj zalotiti Turčija izven likoven spredaj piškot.
always trap Turkey without plastic in front cookie.
Consumer-generated reviews, buying tips and advice, ratings, price information, and searchable in a variety of ways from price to product type.
« Korean »
Inside the method which from price is various in product shedding of blood the consumer the investigation which creates, the end which it lives and notification, grade and price information, and there is a possibility of searching.
Fuck you.
« Korean »
너를 성교하십시요.
Be extensive and have sexual intercourse.
You, madam, are very good at sex.
« Japanese »
The lady, it is good very with characteristic.
Women shouldn't just be housewives, they should have a right to a career as well!
« Finnish »
Naisväki pitäisi kohtuullinen olla perheenemäntä , he pitäisi hankkia aivan jotta virkaura koska kummuta!
Women should just be housewife , they should secure clean to career as well!
by Rachel Benn
You are the best thing that ever happened to me.
« Korean »
In me which it spreads out it is a first thing which happens until now.
Would you like to come to my party and hang out with me and my mates?
« Romanian » la will tu asemănător a veni la spre meu petrecere şi pieliţă afară cu eu şi meu mates?
Would you like come at at my carnival and hangnail out with me and my mates?
by Rachel Benn
Nice shirts like you!