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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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life is hard
« Croatian »
život je tvrdo
curriculum vitae had niggardly
by katy
oh dear governor, would you care to join me for some tea and crumpets
« Japanese »
oh valuable governor, you worry in order to connect me for brown and crumpets
what the fuck is going on?
« Japanese »
Has sexual intercourse gone with something?
I'll be back
« Portuguese »
I' o ll esteja para trás
I' ll is stops backwards
May the force be with you
« Slovenian »
maj moč biti s kom vi
may vivacity prevent you
Was it a dream where you see yourself standing in sort of sun-god robes on a pyramid with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little pickles at you?
« Czech »
Was ono jeden sen kde tebe vidět ty sám stání do druh of slunce - bůh háv z jednoho kusu látky dále jeden jehlan s tisíc nahý ženy křičet a házení krátký brynda v tebe?
Was yon a vision where you see yourself standing up species of sun God robe next a spire with a thousand stripped women whoop plus toss succinct hogwash within you?
Do you want a fag?
« Norwegian »
Vil du ønske en fag?
Do you desire a subject?
America, America, this is you!
« Chinese (simplified) »
US, US, this is you!
A person to whom, under dire injunctions of silence, you tell a secret which you wish to be far more widely known.
« Japanese »
Which, in secret and under the order whose silence is tremendous, the person where you know say whether we would like to be wide much.
Here's looking at you, kid.
« Welsh »
'ma s yn edrych ar 'ch , fyn.
here sound looking at ' dogs , he wishes.
Nice shirts like you!