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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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I would really have a happy if I had some buttermilk pancakes in front of me.
« German »
Ich würde wirklich ein glückliches haben, wenn ich einige Buttermilchpfannkuchen vor mir aß.
I would really have a happy, if I unite butter milk pancakes before me ASS.
What if I just copied whatever result I get and then push the button again?
« Japanese »
When I profit, me copy what kind of result for the second time next exactly, something pushes in the button?
by stay tuned
ljubav nema granica
« Croatian »
ljubav nema granit
love affair does not have granite
never do today what you can put off until tomarrow
« Japanese »
What which can be postponed to tomarrow under any condition today does not have to be done,
something stinks
« Japanese »
Something shoots stench
i have a huge penis, would you like to see it?
« Korean »
나는 거대한 남근이, 하고자 했다 당신 그것을 보고 싶다 있는가?
Me the penis which is enormous, under should have been boiled will see your it and?
I would like to kiss your breasts
« Japanese »
I desire the fact that it kisses to your chest
I would like to kiss your breasts
« Dutch »
Ik zou uw borsten willen kussen
I your udders want kiss
the wall is to big for any man to climb, except john.
« Japanese »
For all people who should rise excluding John, it is large there is a wall.
by luke :D
eating bacon with chopsticks is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
« Chinese (traditional) »
Eats with chopsticks' bacon supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Nice shirts like you!