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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
I donated and three days later I found a cock up my ass.
« Russian »
Я подарил и 3 дня более поздно я нашел кран вверх по моему ишаку.
I presented and 3 days more late I found crane upward from my ass.
You're just another brick in the wall.
« Finnish »
You're kohtuullinen toinen muurata kotona muurata.
You're just another brick in brick.
Hey babe, wanna come over to myspace and twitter my yahoo 'til I google all over your facebook?
« Japanese »
ちょっと可愛い人は、私のYahoo ' myspaceおよびtwitterにやって来たいと思う; あなたのfacebookをくまなくI googleまでか。
Is lovely just a little the person my Yahoo & We would like to come in #039 myspace and twitter; Your facebook without the [ku] [ma] to I google?
There is more than one way to skin a cat.
« Korean »
고양이를 벗기는 이상의 1가지의 방법이 있다.
There is a method of 1 kind of the above peels the cat.
Keep the talk clean here, jerk.
« Korean »
대화를 청결한, 경련 여기에서 유지하십시오.
Dialogue is clean, maintain from convulsive here.
Top rated
« Dutch »
Geschatte bovenkant
Valued upper part
That is the most foul, cruel, and bad tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!
« Korean »
그것은 당신이 이제까지 눈을 위에 놓는 가장 더럽고, 가장 잔인하고, 나쁜 부드럽게 한 설치류이다!
It you this puts the eye until now above and is dirtiest, most cruel, is bad and to be soft is one rodent! where
« German »
child dead song
I'd tap that.
« German »
I' d-Hahn das.
I' D-cock that.
by Billy
Bang me.
« Chinese (simplified) »
Attacks fiercely me.
Nice shirts like you!