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Dear Santa, Please send me a Barbie doll, a Barbie house, my little ponies and lots and lots of yummy scrummy chocolate.
« Filipino »
mahal Santa , masiyahan magpadala ako a inihaw manika a inihaw bahay , akin maliit ponies at lots at lots ng yummy kaskasin kending tsokolate.
beloved Yearly , please send me a barbecue puppet a barbecue tenement , my little ponies and lots and lots of yummy scrub chocolate.
by Rachel Benn
Dear Santa, Please send me a Barbie doll, a Barbie house, my little ponies and lots and lots of yummy scrummy chocolate.
« Slovenian »
srčkan Santa , prosim spodbuda mi a zazobek puža , a zazobek parlament , svoj neznaten bodalo ter veliko od yummy izbirčen čokolada.
dear Santa , you're welcome whetstone we however barb doll , however barb parliament , your unimpressive whinyard and to the last degree with yummy squeamish chocolate.
by Rachel Benn
Dear Santa, Please send me a Barbie doll, a Barbie house, my little ponies and lots and lots of yummy scrummy chocolate.
« Turkish »
sevgili Santa , mutlu etmek göndermek beni a zıpkın oyuncak bebek a zıpkın ev , benim küçük ponies ve lots ve lots -in yummy silmek çikolata.
beloved Santa , please send me a harpoon doll a harpoon house , my small ponies and lots and lots den shut wipe chocolate.
by Rachel Benn
A complicated sentence is a complicated sentence because it contains several words, articles, nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, pronouns or objects and complicated sentence s are also oftentimes very long, with lots of commas, semi-colons, colons, exclamation marks or question marks, which should make them rather tricky and difficult to translate correctly.
« Finnish »
kiperä tuomita on kiperä tuomita koska se hillitä useat puhe , palvella oppiaikansa , nimisana , adjektiivi , teonsana , adverbi , asemosana eli muistuttaa ja kiperä tuomita s-kirjain aari kin oftentimes erittäin kauan , avulla roppakaupalla -lta pilkku , puoli- - kaksoispiste , kaksoispiste , huudahdus ampuja eli asia ampuja , joka pitäisi ehtiä heidät aika juonikas ja hankala jotta kääntää korjata.
complicated sentence is complicated sentence as it tutor several speech , articles , substantive , adjective , verb , adverb , pronoun or object and complicated sentence s - letter are also oftentimes very long , with lots from comma , half - colon , colon , ejaculation marksman or case marksman , which should make them period plotting and difficult to tuck correct.
by Rachel Benn
A complicated sentence is a complicated sentence because it contains several words, articles, nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, pronouns or objects and complicated sentence s are also oftentimes very long, with lots of commas, semi-colons, colons, exclamation marks or question marks, which should make them rather tricky and difficult to translate correctly.
« Slovenian »
a zamotan stavek je a zamotan stavek zato ker to vsebovati mnog izraziti z besedami , roba , samostalnilk , pridevnik , glagol , določilo , zaimek ali predmet ter zamotan stavek s ste tudi pogost zelo dolg , s veliko od kratek premor , pol- - debelo črevo , debelo črevo , vzklik znak ali vprašanje znak , kateri should izdelovanje jih precej rafiniran ter težek prevesti pravi.
however turbid type there is however turbid type wherefore whenas this purport variously venture Z word , ware , noun , adjective , verb , adverb , pronoun whether topic and turbid type with are withal oftentimes widely tribute , with to the last degree with hang , terminal - large intestine , large intestine , outcry wave whether question wave , who should manufacture them unhesitatly tricky and puddingy translate whole.
by Rachel Benn
How dark are we talking? What percentage? There's 50 percent, 60 percent, 70 percent or 80 percent.
« Slovenian »
kako temoten ste mi zvočni film? kakšen provizija? torej 50 procent , 60 procent , 70 procent ali 80 procent.
whence gloomy are we talking film? what kind of sale commission? to conclude 50 percent , 60 percent , three score and ten percent whether 80 percent.
by Rachel Benn
Yes, I do fancy buying some chocolate with you. Very, very, VERY dark chocolate please!!
« Welsh »
Do , Gwna ddychmyga yn ceisio rhyw chocolate chennych. Iawn , iawn , IAWN dywyllwch chocolate blesio!!
I come , Do I imagine seeking sex chocolate you may whiten. Right , right , RIGHT you darken chocolate please!!
by Rachel Benn
Do you fancy buying some chocolate with me?
« Croatian »
Da li vi fantazija kupovina neki čokolada zasluženo?
Do you phantasy the purchase certain chocolate deservedly?
by Rachel Benn
Do you fancy buying some chocolate with me?
« Serbian »
Činiti te fantazija kupovina nekakav čokolada zaslužno?
Act you fancy buy some chocolate meritoriously?
by Rachel Benn
Do you fancy buying some chocolate with me?
« Welsh »
Ddychmygi yn ceisio rhyw chocolate chen?
You imagine seeking sex chocolate with?
by Rachel Benn
Nice shirts like you!