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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
you are very cute
« Japanese »
The extraordinary glue it is good
My place or yours?
« Icelandic »
My stead or thy?
por que no te callas
« English »
de modo que usted no cierre para arriba usted mismo
fucking hell.
« Korean »
The hell where it is severe.
I've been digging up these Carrots for 5 hours now, can i please take a break.
« Slovenian »
I've been gold-mine whom gre upward these carrots why 5 spell today , to feel up to yours truly you're welcome trap however snap.
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
« Korean »
어리석은? 충격을 주기? 중후한? 그것을 위로 투표하기 위하여 스마일리를 누르십시오!
U li three? It gives a shock? It is profound? In order to vote it comfort su press the E reason!
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
« Spanish »
¿Tonto? ¿El dar una sacudida eléctrica? ¿Profundo? ¡Chasque el smiley para votarlo para arriba!
Idiot? Giving an electrical shock? Deep? Chasque the smiley to vote it for above!
how much for a fuck?
« Japanese »
Which rank for having sexual intercourse?
I'm lost without you.
« Slovenian »
I'm wilful waste makes woeful want without you.
Check this out!
« Korean »
Inspect this at the outside!
Nice shirts like you!