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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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My asshole stinks of raw fish
« Japanese »
Me is not slowly stench of the raw fish is shot
he rounded up anybody he thought was intellectual and had them executed. And how he told someone was intellectual or not was whether they wore glasses. If they're that clever, take them off when they see him coming!
« Japanese »
彼は彼がだった知的考えた円形になり、それらを実行してもらった誰でもの上で。 そして彼がいかに言ったか誰かは知的またはそれらがガラスを身に着けていたかどうかではなかった。 they'なら; 再彼を来ることを見る時利発、それらを取りなさい!
With someone where he intellectual he is becomes the circle which was thought, has executing those on the thing. And he how said, whether or not as for someone intellectual or those had applied the glass to the body, was not. they& If #039; When re-him looking at that it comes, intelligence, take those!
Tickle me Elmo
« Japanese »
The Elmo [ku] the [ri] do me immediately
I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
« Czech »
Nesmím bát se. Bát se is člen určitý mysl - zabij k. Bát se is člen určitý krátký - krveprolití aby nést celek přeškrtat. JÁ vůle čelit má bát se. JÁ vůle dopustit ono až k minout mne a docela mne.
I mustn't suspect. Suspect is the mind killer Suspect is the succinct massacre that sustain a total of obliterate. SELF wills weather has suspect. SELF wills take yon to slip over me plus quite me.
« Korean »
Republic of Turkey three
Poker in the front and liquor in the rear
« Italian »
Mazza nella parte anteriore e liquore nella parte posteriore
Mace in the front part and liqueur in the posterior part
I like me some sweet chicken fried
« Latin »
EGO amo mihi nonnullus dulcis pullus amicus
I to love me some sweet young male friend
Give me that.
« Welsh »
Anrhega 'm a.
I present ' ores I go.
i will make my bed
« Croatian »
ja htijenje izraditi moj krevet
I volition fabricate my sack
by Andrea
You know, like a corn dog.
« Welsh »
Adwaenoch , cara ]d chi.
You know , I love d you.
Nice shirts like you!