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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Women shouldn't just be housewives, they should have a right to a career as well!
« Finnish »
Naisväki pitäisi kohtuullinen olla perheenemäntä , he pitäisi hankkia aivan jotta virkaura koska kummuta!
Women should just be housewife , they should secure clean to career as well!
by Rachel Benn
Women shouldn't just be housewives, they should have a right to a career as well!
« Serbian »
Žene treba pravedan postojati domaćica , oni treba imati pravo na jedan zanimanje također!
Women is required equitable be hostess , they is required have a right to a calling too!
by Rachel Benn
Women shouldn't just be housewives, they should have a right to a career as well!
« Latin »
Women shouldn't iustus exsisto housewives they should have a vox ut a tutela pariter!
Women shouldn't just to emerge housewives they should fui a cry when a protection likewise!
by Rachel Benn
William, do you take Catherine to be your lawfully wedded wife?
« Welsh »
Gwilym , ddygi Cadi at bod 'ch 'n ddeddfol wedded gwraig?
William , you steal Catherine to be ' dogs ' heartburn lawful may he suit woman?
by Rachel Benn
William, do you take Catherine to be your lawfully wedded wife?
« Slovenian »
napad živčnosti , delati vi zalotiti Catherine v obstati vaš zakonito poročen žena?
thrust nervousness , work you trap Catherine within to stop yours statuably yoked in marriage women?
by Rachel Benn
William, do you take Catherine to be your lawfully wedded wife?
« Danish »
Beredvillig , lave jer holde Catherine at blive jeres lovligt bryllup kone?
Willing , get you subscribe Catherine to be yours duly wedding housewife?
by Rachel Benn
William, do you take Catherine to be your lawfully wedded wife?
« Czech »
Vilém , činit tebe brát Kateřina až k být tvůj právoplatný oženil se žena?
William , amount you nibble Katherine to subsist yours rightful wedded woman?
by Rachel Benn
William, do you take Catherine to be your lawfully wedded wife?
« Croatian »
Williams , da li vi uzeti Katarina biti tvoj zakonit vjenčanje supruga?
Williams , Do you to take Catherine to be yours legitimate wedding woman?
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they're like "It's better than yours" Damn right, it's better than yours.
« Slovenian »
svoj milkshake privleči vsi boys v sedež policije v Londonu ter oni všeč biti It's rajši mimo vaš " prekleti pravilen it's rajši mimo vaš.
your milkshake bring vt young and old boys within sitting police up in London and those like It's sooner yound yours " to damn well-conducted it's sooner yound yours.
by Rachel Benn
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they're like "It's better than yours" Damn right, it's better than yours.
« Norwegian »
Meg milkshake bringer alle gutter å gården og de er like " det er bedre enn din " Fordømme rett , det er bedre enn din.
My milkshake bring all boys to the estate and they are equal " it is the better than din " Condemn correct , it is the better than din.
by Rachel Benn
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