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You are an incredibly beautiful woman. he would matter to him to accompany to me to take something?
Usted es una mujer increíblemente hermosa. ¿él importaría a él para acompañar a mí para tomar algo?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
Graduation party
« Norwegian »
Gradindeling parti
Gradindeling consignment
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
« Japanese »
愚かか。 衝撃を与えることか。 深遠か。 それを投票するためにスマイリーマークをかちりと鳴らしなさい!
Foolishness? Giving impact? Profundity? That the dust sound the smilly mark in order to vote!
by D58
I have a rubber chicken named Mr. Taco
« Japanese »
The person there is a Taco rubber make chicken which is shown in me
Let me see your trouser snake.
« Chinese (traditional) »
Let me think you the pants snake.
I wanna die
« Filipino »
ako wanna mamatay
me wanna perish
I am a fat ugly loser
« Japanese »
I am the loser whose fat quality is scurvy
Unnecessary roughness
« Serbian »
Nepotreban sirovost
Needle peddler roughness
Ben has no foreskin
« Chinese (simplified) »
This does not have the wrapper
Ben had foreskin and then i took an arrow to the knee.
« Norwegian »
Ben fikk skog og så jeg tok en pilen å kneet.
Bone getting forests after I grasped a arrow to knee.
Ben had foreskin and then i took an arrow to the knee.
« Czech »
Ben mněl jsem předkožka a někdy já took neurč. člen šíp až k člen určitý koleno.
Ben had foreskin plus sometimes self took neurč. member shaft to the knee.
Nice shirts like you!